Transgender Girlfriends

Brianna Leeson's Personal Profile Page

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My Personal Profile Information:

Name: Brianna Leeson
Age: 31 years
Height/Weight: 5-10, 160
Personal: Single, Pre-op Transsexual
Location: Portland, Oregon
Occupation: Full-Time Waitress, Part-Time Web & Graphic Design
Activities: Swimming, Travel, Clubs, Being with Friends
Likes: Exploring My Femininity
Dislikes: Mean Spirited People
Favorite Places: Las Vegas, New York, Montreal, Southern California
Personal Quote: My life is an open book - no secrets, no regrets.

Hi! Thanks for visiting my personal page. I'm an out and proud transgender woman. I am fortunate to have the support of my family, especially my mother who accepts me without reservation. I'm single and have no children, but I do love to spoil my two nephews. I think I would have made a good mother. Who knows, maybe I'll adopt sometime in the future. I know they wouldn't be my own child, but taking in a child in need seems somehow more suited to my purpose in life anyway.

I have been on hormone replacement therapy about two years. During this time I have been in counseling following a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. My therapist and physician agree that I am an ideal candidate for gender reassignment surgery. I never had a lot of body hair and I'm just about done with electrolysis - whew! Fortunately, I have always had slight features and no noticeable Adam's Apple, so no feminization surgery has been necessary. When I am financially capable, I will have surgery, possibly with Dr. Marci Bowers in Colorado. Until then, I'm not in a huge hurry. I'm going to have as much fun as I possibly can while I explore my femininity. I have posted some photos from the past couple of years. I now have my own long blonde hair and will publish more photos soon.

I attended college for three years, but ran out of money so I had to get a job and wait to continue my formal education. In the meantime I have been working as a Waitress at a restaurant in the Portland area. I'm not sure if they know I'm a t-girl or not, but it isn't because I'm hiding it. I just don't talk about it at work. I think everybody would be ok with it anyway, so no worries. I am also a part-time web designer and graphic artist. I have been fortunate to meet some nice people in the industry who are offering me training and the opportunity to work on outsourced web design projects.

I hope you find something interesting here. You can learn more about me by visiting the following links;.

Personal Profile  |  My Photos  |  Favorite Links  |  Web Project Portfolio


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